June 17, 2017 @ 12:08 AM

Seven sensible steps to success as a writer
Step 5 (continued): The waking day...

Having stopped the early morning composition with the next words already in my mind, they spend the rest of the waking day germinating deep in the consciousness.

What do they mean? How do they build on what has gone before? How will they lay the ground for what is to come? Phrases and metaphors will shape themselves....

And whatever else I’m doing – editing yesterday’s words, attending to correspondence, business, gardening, playing the piano, preparing materials for the next part of the story, cooking dinner - the words are always growing in their own little corner of the brain...

Ready for the next day's writing.


Next: dreaming..


Photo: Inra Dist from France – Lecture des terrines espèces féverole 62-cliche Jean Weber (2). Wikimedia Commons